How to Connect Google Analytics to Your Website on Weblium

How to Connect Google Analytics to Your Website on Weblium

You can integrate Google Analytics with your website to track performance and keep working on improvements.

Google Analytics can be connected to the sites under subscription only.

To connect Google Analytics, get a Tracking ID for your site (property).

Please follow these Google guidelines to create a property and get Tracking ID or proceed to the following steps:

      Sign in to Google Analytics

      Click Admin

Admin Panel in Google Analytics

      Create a new account to add property. Click on the drop down option to choose Create new account

Create new account on Google Analytics

      Fill in the form for a new property

Set up account on Google Analytics

      Choose data sharing settings

Choose data sharing settings on Google Analytics

      Click Get Tracking ID and accept terms of service

Accept terms of service on Google Analytics

      You will be redirected to the page with your personal data

      If you already have an account and property, you can check tracking ID in Property Tracking info by clicking Tracking Code

Google Analytics Tracking Code

When you get Tracking ID for your property, you can integrate Google Analytics with your site.

To proceed to integration, follow these steps:

1)  Go to My websites. Choose a site for integration and click Settings

google analytics setup - weblium blog

2)  Choose Analytics 

3)  Paste Tracking ID to the correspondent field and click Connect 

4) Republish your website.


To get more information about your website, connect HotJar.