Popular Law Firm Website Design for Your Inspiration
Today, law firm websites are really diverse, but the top ones always have clear site goals allowing them to attract only high-value clients.
To create such a website, you have to develop an excellent strategy taking into consideration your Client’s Persona and Customer Journey.
So, if you want to get an inspiration to make your top law firm website, go through this selection of the best ones!
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Quinn Emanuel Trial Lawyers
Visit the website: https://www.quinnemanuel.com
The excellent idea of this website lies in using the hero area cover to show you a trustworthy testimonial, establishing the company’s authority.
The law firm website has plenty of white space, so all the important info and numbers are easily noticeable. The website’s homepage helps you to easily find a professional lawyer nearby.
Madison Marcus Law Firm
Visit the website: http://madisonmarcus.co
The website definitely deserves a place among the top law firm sites in Australia.
You feel the dynamics through the entire website thanks to animation and interactive navigation. The video highlighting the company is just great!
The website is not overloaded with text content, while still providing all the necessary info that you may be interested in as a potential client.
Visit the website: lindahl.se/en
The minimalistic design of this website is quite attractive: simple and clean layouts are user-friendly and fully responsive.
Despite the fact that the imagery doesn’t portray anything about law, the website is still good because it is easy to read and intuitive in navigation, perfectly organized and has a knowledge center that is convenient for first-time users.
West Coast Trial Lawyers
The website’s homepage is a great example of how you can do various important things well!
The navigation in the upper right corner is easy to use. It is located just underneath the prominent phone number and the «free consultations/no fees until we win» button. The latter clearly tells you that these guys are confident in their abilities and experience, giving you a good reason to make a call.
Also, the website has Google and Yelp rankings showcasing its #1 ranking and a total amount of money won in different cases. These things really impress visitors.
Turks Legal
Visit the website: http://www.turkslegal.com.au
A simple homepage clearly shows what areas of the law the firm specializes in, making it easy for you to explore the services they offer in different areas.
The navigation area has some links leading you to the specific website sections, while the top header invites you to follow the company on LinkedIn.
Gilbert + Tobin
Visit the website: https://www.gtlaw.com.au
The difference between the Gilbert+Tobin website and many other sites is their excellent presentation, giving you a sense of professionalism.
The website highlights the company’s abilities and attention to detail: for example, they highlight the practice areas, the outstanding collection of awards and even the number of personnel.
From top to bottom, the site does everything possible to make you trust the law firm, which is crucial in the competitive industry. Hefty reports & insights, special digital section to tackle the digital age of law – all these details are important for the clients.
Knutson + Casey
Visit the website: knutsoncasey.com
There are many things on this website that can impress you, but the most eye-catching ones are the rich and bright color scheme, the various angles, the overlapping elements, and changing background images and patterns.
Also, there are lots of ways to contact the firm that is quite convenient for users. The good use of testimonials is also a thing to evaluate. All these things stimulate your interest to interact with the website.
Roulston Urquhart Criminal Defence
Visit the website: https://calgarydefence.com
The website design is confident, bold and a bit intimidating – exactly what you’re looking for if you search for a professional criminal defense attorney. Everything about the design is minimalistic and easy for the user’s perception.
The mood above applies to the bios as well: the women look strong enough and ready to struggle for their clients, making this website a perfect candidate for any best lawyer websites top out there.
YLaw Group
Visit the website: https://www.ylaw.ca
The eye-catching header image of this website clearly shows you what this company does. The other elements of the homepage also give you a strong feeling of authority and expertise.
Here, you will find the company’s list of achievements, various awards, and the results that they have got for their clients. You will notice several CTA buttons throughout the site that encourage visitors to make a call.
Clayton Utz
Visit the website: https://www.claytonutz.com
The personal section of the homepage proudly displays that the company has branches all over the world – so the advantage is right at hand.
The designers decided to go for a monochrome style with the accents of green. As a result, they have got a good-looking website that employs high-quality color images and clear, eye-catching typography.
The user interface is simple, the navigation is calibrated to mobile devices. This is definitely one of the top law firm websites in the entire country!
Banks Law
Visit the website: bankslaw.com
The website’s simple layout is enjoyable to look at and navigate. The homepage is arranged appropriately, offering a guide just under the main banner and three videos that bring you to a video page. This is a great idea because these 2 sections quickly answer questions that you might have.
As you enter the website, you understand what type of law firm it is and what services they provide from the first glance.
The site is not overloaded with info, so it is very easy to navigate and find the things you want in seconds. The educational materials that are offered right on the homepage is also a very good idea that really helps first-time users to get some answers.
Bick Law LLP
Visit the website: http://www.bicklawllp.com
The homepage of this environmental law firm features a sliding deck of various background catchy phrases and images, featuring animals.
The «exclusively environmental» phrase just under the company’s name in the navigation bar is a cool idea, so you understand the field of the company’s activity without the need to go to the «services» section.
This is not a big thing, but those who have worked with a specialized law firm will appreciate this.
W3IP Law
Visit the website: https://www.w3iplaw.com.au
This website shows you the excellent use of the big, clearly visible contact form that offers you to fill it out. So is the chatbox that allows visitors to immediately chat with professionals about their legal issues.
W3IP Law’s website also doesn’t shy away from showing their past clients’ testimonials and describing their process to further build trust.
Visit the website: https://www.ashurst.com
Ashurst shows its global dominance throughout the website that features an interesting interactive map with all offices and partners. The banner on the homepage shows amazing images, paired with the calming animation.
As a whole, the website is very easy to navigate and user-friendly.
George Gedulin
Visit the website: gedulinlaw.com
This website has all the important boxes that a good law firm site should have!
It’s a brilliant idea to add the secondary navigation on mobile the way they did because that makes it easier to quickly find the pages you need.
The homepage simply directs the user to the practice area sections to learn more about the company.
So, the website’s usability is rather good, even on mobile. The testimonials are a great addition and it’s easy to contact the company by filling out the form located in the footer.