5 Easy Steps to Generate Win-Win Blog Content Ideas
Once you’ve created your website, it’s essential to come up with viral content ideas for your blog. Because that’s how you’re gonna attract traffic to your website and promote it to a wider audience.
The main question that has just pop up in your mind is
That might be somewhat challenging, indeed. Especially if you don’t know this 5-step win-win strategy. No worries, though. You came to the right pond to fish it out.
Step One: Identify Your Niche
First of all, you need to have a clear vision of what your website is about. Even though blog posts aren’t really meant for selling, they serve as a so-called bridge between you and your potential customers. So, they need to be perfectly aware of what you can offer to them in addition to useful blog posts.
Take a few minutes thinking of your products or services. That will help you to identify the topics you can cover in blog posts. However, you can always go further if you feel that your customers might need it.
It’s essential to understand, the more helpful content you create, the higher your website authority gets. Which evidently affects your ranking.
So, blogging is basically a long-term investment in your website success on the web. Because it’s meant to strengthen your brand awareness while helping your readers.
Blog Content Ideas – Step 1
Let’s take Weblium. It’s a smart and easy-to-use website builder. So, its blog topics should be limited to website building as well as its further promotion. Weblium blog content ideas can also be related to different online businesses and their peculiarities. In such a way, Weblium blog covers topics that interest its target audience.
Basically, Weblium blog content ideas can include anything related to:
- Content Marketing;
- Conversion Rate Optimization;
- CPA Marketing;
- Development Essentials;
- E-commerce;
- Email Marketing;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Marketing;
- Online Marketing;
- Paid Ads;
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Marketing;
- Web Analytics;
- Web Design etc.
There’s quite a bunch of useful topics to cover. However, you certainly can’t include them all in a single blog post, right? That’s why we gotta move to the next step.
Step Two: Audit Competitors
This step is really important as it helps you to avoid reinventing the wheel. Besides, though unbelievable as it may sound, it really works!
Simply go to Ubersuggest or any other SEO tool you use and enter your competitor’s domain. You’ll see the top pages that attract most visits and shares on social media. And that’s exactly what you are after.
As soon as you look through the top pages, let’s say ten or twenty, you’ll have an understanding of what topics interest your target audience most of all. Isn’t that what you are looking for? And it’s so very easy.
So, now, when you know the most popular topics in your niche, it’s time to find ways to write about them better than your competitors. Yes, that’s what all SEO people do – copying everything their competitors create trying to supersede them.
Advanced Step Two: Audit Your Top Pages
In case your website isn’t brand new and has already been on the web for some time, there’s an extra way to come up with engaging blog content ideas.
There might be already blog posts on your website that have attracted some traffic. It means that your readers like these topics and find them relevant. So, why don’t you stir their interest even further?
Again, go to Ubersuggest or any other SEO tool you like and enter your website domain. You’ll see the top pages. The ones that have driven more traffic to your website and inspired lots of social shares. So, now you know what kind of content your target audience prefers.
What you need at this stage is to find ways to become even more useful to your target audience. That’s what the next step actually covers.
Blog Content Ideas – Step 2
Identifying your competitor is quite easy in fact. There are special SEO tools like Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, and others that allow you to analyze competitors. If you still haven’t mastered any, you can always simply google.
Let’s say, one of the main Weblium rivals is Wix. So, let’s go over the step two to see what topics get the most social engagement of your potential target audience.
As you can see, apart from the main pages, the following topics are the most popular:
- Top 10 Free Photo Editing Software
- How to Create a Website
- Youtube for Beginners: How to Start a Channel for Your Business
Evidently, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one competitor analysis. It’s optimal to analyze at least three competitors to see the whole picture.
It’s also worth analyzing the top pages of the most popular blogs in your industry. Consider such as Neil Patel, Moz, Quicksprout, Copyblogger, Search Engine Watch, etc.
Once you have a vision of popular content on your competitors’ sites and other industry-related blogs, it’s time to proceed to the next step.
But before that, let’s also complete the advanced part of step two. Fortunately, Weblium has quite a bunch of blog posts.
As you can see, Weblium top pages are not too much visited and shared compared to those of Wix. Nevertheless, we can still identify the top shareable topics:
- 21 Bad Website Examples
- 10 Life Coaching Website Examples
- The Best 15 Family Website Examples
- Top 20 Small Business Website Examples
So, now it’s up to you to decide whether you want to get deep into these topics or focus rather on fresh ideas from your competitors.
The best advice here is to compare whether your competitors’ or your top pages have more estimated visits. In our case, it’s optimal to consult Wix and other competitors’ top pages for your blog content ideas. Because that’s the best way to increase Weblium ranking.
Step Three: Identify Your Target Audience Needs
You might think it’s quite a vague advice since you have no idea what to begin with. However, that’s exactly why you are reading this helpful guide.
The best place for learning your target audience pains is surely where they can discuss it. The most popular places include, but certainly are not limited to:
- Quora, Reddit & industry-specific forums
- Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. groups
- Industry websites (especially the ones where you can read comments and view social shares statistics)
Basically, the main goal is to observe what your potential readers write on the topics you want to cover in your posts. Especially, pay attention to the most discussable issues. It might help to create some viral blog posts that will hit the mark.
Also, turn your mind to the questions people ask. Especially, if they remain unanswered. If you manage to find out the answer, you’ll become a superhero in your niche. Besides, helpful content easily gets viral. Because it basically promotes itself.
Blog Content Ideas – Step 3
So, let’s check out what topic we can start with for Weblium. Step two in action helped us to identify that one of the most visited and shared pages of Wix is “Top 10 Free Photo Editing Software”.
Let’s go to Reddit and type in ‘free photo editing software’ in the search. In the picture below, you can see the most popular questions related to this topic.
As you can see, people wonder what free photo editing software they can use for making memes. In fact, that sounds like a really good topic for a blog post.
First of all, it’s quite narrow, so the competition should be really high. Secondly, that’s really helpful for your target audience. So, it may well get viral in the long run.
Step Four: Keywords Research
Keywords are highly important for your blog posts. Why so? Because they help search engines like Google to know what your website is about. Which evidently affects your ranking. That’s why keywords research is truly essential.
In this particular case, you need to analyze different keywords to understand which one is better. That’s how you basically narrow down to a single topic to write about.
Here are the key tips:
- Opt for long-tail keywords (those consisting of 3+ words)
- Choose keywords with monthly search volume higher than 200
- End up with keywords whose SEO difficulty is below 40 (the lower the better)
Blog Content Ideas – Step 4
On this stage, you can go again to Ubersuggest or any other SEO tool and type in your keyword ‘free photo editing software’.
Fortunately, there’s quite a bunch of long-tail keywords whose monthly search volume is higher than 500 and SEO difficulty is less than 40. It means that we can pick enough of low-competition long-tail keywords to rank for.
Now, we need to check out all the related keywords, questions, prepositions, and comparisons to make up your 100-keyword list. So that you can write a 2000-word article that will make you rank higher.
On the right, you can also check out the top pages that already cover your keywords. See what they write about. And make sure to focus specifically on free photo editing software. That’s how Weblium article can win the competition in this case.
Step Five: Include Meta Tags to Hit the Mark!
Congrats on making it to the very last step to your win-win content ideas! It’s the final stage where you start drafting your blog post.
Once you’re done with the previous step, you know exactly what keywords you’ll use in the article. Before proceeding with writing the article itself, think of the meta tags. Make sure to include your keywords to help Google understand what the web page is about.
Basically, meta tags include:
- meta title (up to 60 characters)
- meta description (up to 155 characters)
These elements are truly essential since they serve to describe your webpage. That’s basically the snippets that your clients see before they decide whether to click or not.
Consequently, you have to make your meta title and description clickable. It’s best if there is some call the action.
Once you’re done with that, think of the heading. If you are in trouble making up your heading, you can use HubSpot blog topic generator or any other tools like that.
As soon as your heading is ready, think of the structure. Make sure to include your keywords to subheadings. But before that, you need to research different sources to make sure you know the topic and have ideas to write about.
Blog Content Ideas – Step 5
Meta Title: Easy-to-Use Free Photo Editing Software for Memes – Weblium Blog
Meta Description: Top 10 online and downloadable 100% free photo editing software reviewed. Choose the one that appeals to you most and go for memes creation!
And here is how you can come up with powerful headings using Hubspot Blog Ideas Generator.
All you need is to simply specify your topic in the search field in Hubspot Blog Ideas Generator. As a result, you’ll get five really powerful headings you can use in your blog posts. Basically, that’s it. Once you come up with the topic for your blog post, it’s time to start writing the article itself!
As you can see, it’s not that difficult to come up with worthy blog content ideas after all. Write in the comments what kind of topics you have generated based on these 5 super-easy steps. Feel free to share your own strategies of choosing content ideas for your blog as well!