20+ Best Portfolio Website Examples of 2024

20+ Best Portfolio Website Examples of 2024

A good portfolio website will help highlight your best features even if you have minimal experience. It’s sort of an online business card or CV that will help you find partnerships, show off your work, and even land your first job.

In this article, you will find examples of a good online portfolio for you draw inspiration from, as well as tips on how to make one for yourself.

If you need a portfolio website, can use our FREE AI website builder right now – Weblium.

What is the common purpose of all portfolio websites?

Whether you are a student or an experienced marketer, your digital portfolio is there to market yourself and the work you do. For that, you need just the essentials:

  • Strong bio — some interesting and fun facts about you;
  • Recent works — prospects need to know what they’re working with, your style, your abilities;
  • Easy navigation — it shouldn’t be hard to find the information visitors are looking for;
  • Creative mindset — people click through tons of generic websites all the time, make them pause.

And don’t forget that personal portfolio websites should be mobile responsive. More than half of Internet users like to browse from their mobile devices, so make sure that they can navigate your portfolio without a glitch.

Taha Khan portfolio example

website: https://taharkhan.com/

Taha Khan’s website is concise, as there’s not much info aside from his bio, resume, and a few samples of work. What really showcases his wit, is his resume. He uses hashtags and made-up words to describe his work, and you can’t help but crack up at the humor.

Diogo Correia: students portfolio example

website: https://diogotc.com/

Diogo chose to present his portfolio design in the form of a roadmap — a brief history of his achievements. It’s a fun form of a resume that would definitely help with the job search.

Clarissa Rodriguez teacher portfolio example

website: http://sherocksatcollege.com/

Clarissa is a teacher whose goal is to help college students succeed. What’s great about Clarissa’s website is that it has testimonials. They are the best advertising for educational services.

Nasos Papadopoulos

website: http://www.metalearn.net/

Nasos is a teacher and creator of courses on how to learn on your own. His website is well-structured and inviting. It features the courses as well as a series of podcasts Nasos hosts with different professionals.

Anna Ellenberg

website: http://annaellenberger.com/

Anna, a graphic designer, and illustrator knows that minimalism doesn’t have to be all monochromatic — deep, bright colors work well, too. Here, you can also find what kind of employment she is looking for so that brands and recruiters know what to expect.

Charlie Waite

website: http://www.charliewaite.me/

With a digital portfolio, it’s important to show your personality since it is just you behind the site and not a whole company of people. Introducing who and what you right away is one way of doing that, like in this example, Charlie is a “Designer. Thinker. Husband & Father.”

Peg Fitzpatrick personal brand portfolio example

website: https://pegfitzpatrick.com/

Peg’s website is great at highlighting her achievements, but what’s more interesting is that it is filled with personalized images and branded graphics.

Geraldine DeRuiter

website: http://www.everywhereist.com/

Many personal digital portfolios take the form of a blog, especially when it is an author behind the brand. This blog has a nice design and easy navigation but also features the writer’s works as well as her Instagram account — another way of connecting to the person.

Lindsay Ratowsky

website: http://www.fiftycoffees.com/

A good clean website is part of the deal but you really ought to think creatively when bringing something out. This writer incorporates storytelling, and it’s not just stories about her job interviews but about the discoveries she makes afterward. It’s a clever way of presenting content.

Aja Frost marketers portfolio example

website: http://www.ajafrost.com/

Aja’s website takes us back to one of the most important features of a good content marketer portfolio and that is easy navigation. Additionally, it has a testimonials section which is a valuable tool for advertising your services.

Jon Miron

website: http://jonmiron.com/

Here’s another example of how the lack of color is a good idea since it doesn’t distract you from the main figure behind the website. As soon as you enter Jon’s portfolio website, you can learn who and what he is straight away.

Stefanie Grieser

website: http://stefaniegrieser.com/

Stef is a full-time growth marketer who invites us to her website with kind words and positivity. What’s interesting about her portfolio is the section where she hints on her next project which spikes interest and boosts chances to land a partnership or another project.

Jun Lu

website: http://junlu.co/

Expressive portfolio of a designer and art director from New York. His aim is creating fashioned, beautiful and luxury websites. This digital business card contains a short description, the list of the clients and examples of designs for most famous brands. This is the portfolio for inspiration and for startups.

Desiree Adaway

website: http://desireeadaway.com/

Do you build a holistic inner company culture? Or you are asking questions to yourself to find the outstanding features of your business?

Desiree Adaway has concentrated on the same questions and found not only personal culture but even became familiar with the process of building the culture from scratch. Check this website both for inspiration for your own portfolio and for essential pieces of advice.

John Green portfolio example

website: http://www.johngreenbooks.com/

John Green is a new star of a writer’s community. His books are popular among teens and adults. Some of his works were successfully filmed.

Here is his personal website – minimalistic, but at the same time bright and comfortable for users. It even contains a SoundCloud section with Green’s audio reviews. I’ll definitely add this to my bookmarks.

Tasha Meys

website: https://www.tastefullytash.com/

Tastefully Tash is a website of an adventure child and dark chocolate enthusiast, as she calls herself.  This is Tasha’s blog and portfolio and business cards at the same time. Check out her YouTube channel, Instagram account and get in touch easily by subscribing and joining the crew.

Steel Kiwi

website: https://steelkiwi.com/

Steel Kiwi is a website of a digital development company. They claim to be one of the best in their niche and they prove it with the examples of their previous projects. This company is almost 10 years in the computing business, their own website has suffered many changes. But what we see today is a good achievement and example of catchy and professional design.

Theis Bothmann

website: http://theisbothmann.com/

Theis Bothmann is a photographer from Denmark, Copenhagen. For a photographer, a portfolio is an essential tool. It is crucial to share photos under your own brand name. This particular website contains little info about the person, but the expressive photos create an indelible impression about his talent and skills. Would you like to create your own website similar to this?

Elizabeth Lundin – students and beginners portfolio example

Here is one of the best student portfolio examples showcasing the power of simplicity. Elizabeth cuts it down to the information any prospect might need, like contacts. Yet, it looks cozy and inviting, like the opening phrase “Let’s Tell Your Story”.

Edna Cerrillos designer portfolio example

Another prize for one of the best personal portfolio examples goes to UX/UI designer Edna Cerrillos. It’s not common to see links to portfolio samples on images, but it is certainly a nice touch.

Tip: If you are a wannabe designer, but you don’t yet have any job experience, you can fill the portfolio with the works you have done in class.

How to create a digital portfolio

Many beginners and aspiring entrepreneurs are postponing their goals because they think ordering a site from a web studio is the only option.

But when you are just starting out and want to get your name out there or test an idea, a simple website is enough. And you can do it yourself with the tools that the Internet has to offer, such as website builders.

With Weblium DIY you can make a site for free or pay for hosting, and you also get:

  • AI Design Supervisor™ that will help keep your design solid and consistent;
  • A quick loading website thanks to our fast engine;
  • An Editor to tailor the website to your liking;
  • Over 500 templates and blocks; also you can order portfolio website templates for free
  • Responsive design that will look good on any type of device;

And, it’s backed up by a professional human webmaster who can make sure that you did a good job on your personal website.

Create a portfolio website

Wrap up

As you can see, making a digital portfolio isn’t hard, just take a minimalist approach and make it fun. Moreover, you don’t even need a huge budget to create an online portfolio. You can do it yourself in the Weblium Editor and create a modern, effective, and responsive digital portfolio.