First Multi-Purpose Concept on Weblium Released!
Grow big with the first universal Weblium concept for businesses! With 30 pages, 113 blocks and 3 layouts, it will be perfect for any company, from a small business and up to a big corporation operating in any industry.
Are you wondering how to attract new clients to your business?
80% of visitors research a company online before they order services or make purchases. Use your website to prove high quality of goods, professionalism in delivering services, and dedication to work.
We have added all important elements to the main page of the concept that help to build a stronger online presence. Just check them out, define what’s more important for your business, and remove the items you don’t need.
Did you know that 44% of users will leave your site if you don’t provide them with your contacts? After analyzing the niche, we defined a perfect structure for the Contacts page, and you’ll find it in the concept.
Half of the visitors use a menu to navigate the website. Keep that in mind when you build your website. The pre-set menu already has everything that you may need for a perfect site. When you remove pages, they just disappear from the menu, so you don’t need to do that on your own.