Mind-Blowing Resume Ideas And Tips That Will Get You Hired!

Mind-Blowing Resume Ideas And Tips That Will Get You Hired!

A resume is your «professional history», which describes your work experience, as well as skills, knowledge, education and additional courses. And good resume ideas always hit the bull’s eye.

Typically, your resume gets only 8 seconds of HR attention. And the first impression can be made only once!

In order to attract HR’s attention, the most advanced applicants create an eye-catching resume using the special services called “Resume makers”.

Also (and this is even better for a couple of reasons) using a website builder is the best way to design resume quickly, efficiently and completely free of charge!

Only 2% of CVs break through the first round. You have the chance to get into these top 2%!

Make a creative resume on the Web – and this will be the strongest evidence of the fact that you have made every effort to get the job you want, that you are exclusively concerned about your working reputation and that you are ready to apply the modern solutions!

So, do you feel ready to use modern professional resume design templates for successful employment? Then read on and you will find out:

  • what should a resume include;
  • the key elements of resume design;
  • the best creative resume design ideas of 2021 you can find!


12 benefits of an online resume

      1. A great time saver. You can create a professional resume while enjoying your cup of coffee! Well, it may take you two coffees. But it will take you the same time that you spend on creating a simple cover letter!

      2. Ease and convenience. Resume makers are very simple and easy to use; they do not require any additional knowledge in the field of graphics or coding.

      3. Show that you keep up to date. This approach demonstrates you as tech-savvy. Having an exclusive online resume is not quite common, so if you will be one of the few candidates with such a strong online presence when making a job application, then you will show yourself as a technologically advanced person.

      4. Instantly accessible promotion tool. Usually, it takes some time to send a resume via email, but, most often, HR needs to find and hire someone fast, and he will unlikely waste his time posting an advertisement, waiting for CVs to come, and then sorting them out. That’s why your perfect online resume immediately increases your chances to get hired!

       5. Multiple versions. Some of the skills and work experience you have may be more relevant to some positions. Having a brilliant online CV, you’re not limited to one huge resume. You can have multiple pages resumes at your disposal. You can easily use that «edition» that clearly highlights the skills/experiences that make you a perfect candidate for a certain position.

The other benefits you will get:

       6. Flexibility. If you have made a mistake in your СV or forgotten to add an important work experience or achievement, you can easily correct everything you need from anywhere you are in a couple of minutes!

       7. Visibility in Google search. 80% of employers use Google for a job search. Your searchable online resume gives you greater control over your Web reputation. So when your potential employer googles you, he will find your professional online resume and… Bingo!

      8. Links to almost everywhere. You can link your resume to social profiles, portfolios or anything else you might want your future employer to see!

      9. Many resume styles: resume makers or website builders allow you to choose one of the available graphics resume templates (creative, modern, classic) so that your resume will be as close as possible to the requirements of the position you are applying for.

      10. Ability to update your resume in your account at any time! You have completed an internship, won a contest, or completed a course on Coursera? No problem: just go and add your reasons for pride at any time!

      11. Analytics tools for monitoring statistics. In specialized applications (for example, VisualCV or you can see statistics for viewing a resume. You can check which companies and how often they are interested in your candidacy. This will help you understand how interesting your resume is for employers and what positions it may be most relevant for.

      12. Design tips. Many resume makers offer help in designing your perfect resume: these tips may come in handy!

What should a resume include?

Professionally created page resumes give you amazing benefits:

  • 65% more views!
  • 2 times more interview invitations!
  • 53% less time spent on a job search!

Come, have a look at this:

  • The photo creates the first impression and it must be perfect! It is best to hire a professional photographer.
  • “Summary” section: 2-3 sentences and your greatest strengths will be enough to interest HR and motivate him to continue reading your resume.
  • “Education and professional development” section indicates the educational institution, education, including the year and degree (in reverse chronological order).
  • Certificates” section highlights courses and programs of professional development.
  • In the “Experience” section, you should indicate only relevant work experience; 3-5 points for each position are enough. In fact, the recruiter wants to know one thing: “can you do this job?”. Your experience section should give a comprehensive answer to this question.

What other things are important?

  • The “Contacts” section is like the “Buy” button in your online store. Make it visible, attractive and clickable!
  • In the “Skills” section, do not forget to include keywords – both for HR and for ATS.
  • In the “Languages” section, you should mention only those languages that you know above the average level. For any international company, knowing English is a must, and knowing any subsequent language can increase your salary by 10-20%.
  • The “About” section: as opposed to key skills, this section is more general and rather shows your professional orientation. Here you can highlight the skills and range of professional interests (if this is relevant for the current offer). For example, team management, product development, finance.

How to create an online resume step by step

1. Select a design.

Using the resume design templates, created by the professional designers, you can get a perfectly-structured CV that will help you to stand out and get HR managers interested.

2. Fill out the information about yourself.

A convenient editor of a resume builder will help structure your work experience and describe strengths, and interactive tips will help you avoid common mistakes. If you already have some page resumes on third-party sites – many resume builders allow importing it in just a few clicks!

3. Print, download, share and email your own professional resume

– or save your progress and update your resume in your personal account whenever you want! Come back anytime to add some achievements you are proud of!

Use the modern Weblium website builder – create your own professional resume or even a portfolio website that will showcase your skills and achievements to the employer in the best way!


Resume design: key elements

  • Real-life photo 

Photos are the best way to set a trustworthy relationship with HR and become recognizable.

The photo should look natural, relaxed, and friendly. In order to take a relaxed position, put your hands in front of you and ward off your shoulders: this will help you to feel more confident and intuitively take the right posture.

Black-and-white photography is an excellent choice for a resume, as it fits any design color scheme and looks more convincing and professional compared to a full-color portrait.

  • Name that attracts attention

Focusing on your name is a winning solution: make sure that it is the dominant element of your resume’s layout.

The secret of memorability is in the alignment. Give your name more space at the top of the page. It will make your reader perceive this information separately, without being distracted by the other content.

Center alignment will be a good reception for your name to become the focus of the layout, being the center of attention at the top of the page. These two tricks will ensure that your name is visible when HR wants to quickly contact you at the interview.

Keep in mind these elements:

  • Grid layout

Splitting text into several columns is a proven way to draw attention, as the reader’s eye gets from one column to another.

It is necessary to apply a strict layout of the page grid: it will streamline the information and give a resume to both the attractiveness and the natural hierarchy that will lead the reader from one section of information to another.

  • Enough white space

You have to overcome the temptation to showcase everything that you can do – let the best of what you did shine on the page!

Speaking about the design, this is a winning solution. A smaller amount of text leaves more space on the page, contributing to clarity. This not only makes the page more attractive but gives the reader a feeling of lightness and peace.

  • A professional, clear font

Whether you choose a classy serif or a bit cleaner sans-serif, it generally depends on your future position in the company (for instance, candidates for higher positions may claim respect with the help of a serif). You are dying to become a member of a promising start-up team? Charlevoix Pro will suit you best; it looks both modern and trendy!

Going into a company with a formal structure? A humanistic typeface such as Garamond is quite attractive and will help you to fit well into the corporate culture.

  • Font hierarchy

The idea is that you place the fonts in order, which allows the eye to read the content consistently and break the text into manageable fragments.

For a heading, choose the larger font size (for example, use it to highlight your name at the top), use the medium-sized font for subtitles (for example, “Education” section) and small (from 10 to 11 pt) one for the main text.

Other important things to consider

  • Make your contacts stand out

Make sure that your contact information section is visible and placed at the top of your resume page. Give all the contact info, including the links to your social media profiles.

  • Use the benefits of  infographics

Infographics are able to take your CV to the next, brand-new level. It allows you to visually highlight some things that words cannot. Of course, you should never forget about the readers: if you are applying for an administrative role at a conservative company, such a graphic design may be considered a bad form.

But if you’re applying for the position of a graphic designer, an infographic resume is just the ticket!

  • Match the company’s colors

This is another win-win strategy to win your HR over!

Try applying the organization’s fonts, colors, style in your CV. It will show that you did some research and are passionate about the position and company.

Resume Design: best ideas

Let’s go creative: the following examples are something much more than the Google docs resume templates you have seen for a thousand times! Just take a look – we bet you won’t regret this!


Robby Leonardi: game-inspired resume

Take a look at the resume: http://www.rleonardi.com/interactive-resume/

Have a look at it – this is an awesome resume… or a game… or whatever it is! Leonardi created an interactive resume that resembles the Mario Bros. game. A series of game stages shows his skills, qualifications, and work experience.

Simone Fortunini: Google Analytics-like resume

resume examples - weblium blog

How do you find this Amazon marketing manager’s resume? It resembles a Google Analytics page, does it?

As he notes in his Business Insider interview: «Google Analytics is the main tool I am using, working on marketing/advertising campaigns, so this was the first thing that came into my mind».

His initial goal was to show his experience in technology and marketing, but he notes that this project has helped him to reach his goal.

Kelly Weihs: Wild West newspaper inspired resume

Kelly ‘s Resume differs from many identical resumes due to the vintage style of the Wild West.

resume example | weblium blog

“Everything I wanted is having some fun creating a CV that would be different from others”, – she says. “This vintage design is exactly what I like. It is always a good idea to refer to the past when creating something new”.

She had sent it to her current employer, and he really liked her resume.

Aaron Sachs: Google+ inspired resume

Sachs combined social networking with infographics and got such a cool result!

“I created it right after Google+ was released,” he said. “I wanted to make an infographic resume and merge it with my vision of how information about me will be displayed on Google+”.

However, besides the fact that the resume did its job, it has drawn immense attention to Aaron and his skills.

Michael Anderson: fully infographic resume

Once I’ve realized that a resume is just temporary thing, sorted by tags, and if I look at it from this point of view, then I can put more information in it”, -Michael says.

He began to work on this idea, and it worked!

“I had several job offers, but I’ve chosen a position of graphic designer at an ordinary Pennsylvania school”, – he says.

Riccardo Sabatini: an unconventional look at a traditional resume

Sabatini is a designer from Italy. He currently works in the field of digital art and printing in Florence.

Sabatini’s CV is an answer to the question “Why does the traditional resume look so boring?”.

“This is especially important if you work to make the world more beautiful”, – Riccardo says.

He created few versions of his resume in various color schemes, and it has drawn great attention on the Web.

“And these people were not only potential employers but also folks who found it interesting,” – he says.

 Liagi Ann Jezreel Ramilo: best resume of an artist

Ramilo is currently the chief designer. She says that she just wanted to show that drawing is her calling.

“I posted my resume on my blog on DeviantArt, and I was very surprised when I’ve got a bunch of personal emails and even messages on Facebook… People from all over the world said that they have noticed my creative CV and they really liked it,” – she says.

Eric Gandhi: Google search results inspired resume

There’s nothing to add, except that he has got an invitation for a job interview from Google!

Ed Hamilton: resume on Google Maps

Ed Hamilton created a resume using Google Maps. Using the multi-colored icons, Ed marked all places where he lived and worked, adding the detailed descriptions of his professional qualities.


So, use Weblium, and you will be able to create more than an ordinary online resume: you will be able to make even a website, and the resume will be just one of its sections. And, believe us, this is much cooler!


Also, in your CV, you will have the possibility to make links to your portfolio, created on the same website. And, of course, you will use many other useful features that will help you to create a strong online presence!


Keep in mind: that half an hour that you will spend on creating your online resume can increase your salary (at least twice!) forever. Forget everything you have read about creating a resume – tips from Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others.

Resign from the faceless mass of identical applicants – create a personal brand with the help of an online resume!