Official Weblium Blog Release: What Will You Get Out of It?
We’re happy to announce the blogging functionality — Weblium Blog App — that will help you start blogging with ease. Millions of revisions and lines of code, sleepless nights and team discussions, all merged into a splendid blogging tool. IMHO, it was worth the cost.
Why start blogging?
Did you notice that most leading companies develop their online presence not only on social media but also via corporate blogs? They invest massive amounts of time, money, and human resources in content creation.
Believe us, they’re not doing it just because everybody has a blog. People are fed up with direct advertising and want to get value first. Top worldwide companies are adjusting their marketing communications to this trend and providing their customers with valuable content. Blogging comes in handy for them.
It is a universal tool that could work great for everybody.
Let’s take a look at how blogging can help you develop your business.
- You can drive traffic to your site by covering popular topics in your business niche, which people search on Google. Then, convert website visitors into loyal customers with contact forms and lead magnets.
- You can build customer trust and loyalty by delivering information that demonstrates your proficiency and authority.
- You can provide your customers with the answers they want in order to reduce friction between the idea of buying your product and the purchase decision.
- You can keep your clients posted about your company’s news and product updates. If you have a personal blog, you can also share your own ideas and beliefs.
- You can build an online community of brand advocates and establish both lasting business relationships and a friendly rapport with your clients.
Are you still in doubt about starting blogging or creating a blog feed on your site? It seems like you just haven’t found the right tool yet.
We made the perfect tool for you considering your needs and requests. From now on, you can use the blogging functionality in the Weblium editor.
How can I use Weblium Blog App?
First and foremost, you can add a blog page or a blog feed to your site in minutes.
Here are only a few of the things that you can do with Weblium Blog App.
- Write blog posts and edit content in the intuitive editor.
- Optimize post titles, descriptions, URLs, and keywords for search engines.
- Add multiple contributors all working on your blog posts.
- Upload your own images and add captions to them.
- Add an author bio and write post excerpts without any plugins needed.
- Get mobile-optimized websites by default
- Set a date for your blog post.
- Set up Google Analytics to identify blog posts that are the most interesting for site visitors.
- Track user behavior on the blog with Hotjar heat maps.
- Upload preview images.
- Unpublish a post or save a post as a draft.
- Add a paragraph, list, image, and text tabs to your blog post.
- Add literally everything to your site with Google Tag Manager.
- Create blog pages that get above 90 points in Google Page Speed Test.
How to start blogging with Weblium Blog App?
Let’s imagine that your ultimate goal is to keep your clients informed about your company’s news. You are going to write a few blog posts per month. The best option for you is to add a Blog feed to your site. Take the following steps:
- Create a blank site or choose a ready-made template → Navigate to the Blog tab in the Site settings → Set your name and photo → Return to editing your site → Click on the + Add block button → Choose the Blog feed in the Additional blocks → Create a blog post and publish it → Publish your site.
If you pursue the goal of converting blog traffic into paying customers and plan to write multiple blog posts, consider another option: setting your Blog page as a menu item in the Site menu. It will help your site visitors easily find your Blog. Follow these instructions:
- Create a blank site or choose a ready-made template → Add header block to your site → Navigate to the Blog tab in the Site settings → Set your name and photo → Create a blog post and publish it → Go to the Page menu of your site → Add the Blog page as a menu item in the Menu settings → Click on the Item settings → Select the Open Blog page click action → Publish your site.
Let’s say you are not eager to have other pages on your site, besides the Blog page.
To do that, take these actions:
- Сreate a Blank site → Add must-have header and footer blocks to your site → Navigate to the Blog tab in the Site settings → Click on the Start blogging button → Set your name and photo → Create a blog post and publish it → Go to the Page menu → Delete the Home page → Rename the Blog page from Blog to Home → Publish your site.
Check this handy video guide.
Consider that you can manage your blog posts in the Blog tab in the Site setting.
To edit the blog post settings, click on the Edit post button on the blog post and navigate to the Settings tab. Here you can add your post title, post description, and post URL, as well as write keywords, unload a preview image and set the blog post’s publish date.
You can edit the blog post content in the Content tab after tapping the Edit post button on your blog post. We recommend uploading images in JPG, SVG, and PNG formats with an aspect ratio of 3:1.
Read the complete step-by-step guide on how to get started with Weblium Blog App.
Can’t wait to start?
A final note: We didn’t make the blog feature just for the sake of adding a new feature. It was on the top of our list because plenty of Weblium users requested we provide blogging functionality.
We’re eager to keep up with the continuous improvement of the Blog App with your needs in mind.
We’re all ears now—tell us how we can improve Weblium Blog to enhance your blogging experience. Drop a line at support@weblium.com and share your ideas with us.