Weblium Product Updates #April 2019

Weblium Product Updates #April 2019

Spring is heating up and our team has exciting updates to share this month. After all, there is no chapel perfect, right? Our development team works tirelessly to make the product even more effective in helping your business.

Let’s get acquainted and test the updated functionality!

Rebuilt templates on the Custom block, Editor Status, block builder, new notifications, Setting slides to auto scroll, сhange payment method, empower of Free Plan.

New items Custom block + updated templates

Now in the Custom block, there is an opportunity to choose the styles that the theme provides, add the embed code, add the component Before and After. Also, all 104 templates Weblium re-assembled thanks to the efforts of our team. This gives you even more freedom in editing and layout changes.

Custom fonts

At the request of users, we added the ability to add your own fonts to the site. To do this, in Typography settings, select the text tag and download the font from the computer in the .woff format.

If you load fonts with different styles of the same family, they will be assembled into select styles. The editor will also determine the name, style, and style of the font, regardless of the file name.

Editor Status

Now you can monitor the status of work with the editor.

If there are problems with the Internet connection or saving the latest changes – Editor Status will tell about it.

New notifications

Our developers have added a notification that will warn you about the error of publishing one of the pages.

The following new notification will remind you when the overlay is automatically added to the image.

Setting slides to auto scroll

From now all blocks which include slides allow to set the auto scroll.

For that, hover over the block and click on the slide settings, In the popup turn on the autoplay feature, and set the delay between the slides.

Change payment method

Now you can update or change your card details to pay for a subscription. To do this, go to the Subscription tab of the general settings of the site.

Empower of Free Plan

Well, the cherry on the cake – now the sites in the Free package are available:

  • Connecting Integrations (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Hotjar)
  • adding Custom Code
  • Connecting Google Analytics to the buttons and forms

Recall that before this functionality was available only from Pro sites. We really want you to not suffer from restrictions on the use of the product.

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