20 Growth Hacking Tips and Strategies For a Startup

20 Growth Hacking Tips and Strategies For a Startup

Growth hacking is not just about tips and tricks to get more clients right away. It’s about storming the entire company with innovative methods and growth hacks for startups to be implemented strategically.

A growth hacker easily navigates in both technical and non-technical areas, innovates and implements growth hacking tips for startup acceleration.

A list of marketing growth hacks, strategies, ideas for startups to start using right away

We’ve collected 20 growth hacking techniques for startups to help you get started, switch to growth-hacking thinking and push your startup forward.

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Hacking Tips

Focus Hold A/B tests hacking tip

A/B testing (bucket tests or split-run testing) is a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of a single variable, typically by testing a subject’s response to variant A against variant B, and determining which of the two variants is more effective.

Test and compare everything, from your landing pages to targeted advertisements and audiences. Leave only those approaches which evolve your business, but don’t stop there and continue testing to keep growing.

Implement omnichannel marketing – growth marketing idea

Omnichannel marketing creates a seamless customer experience across all channels. This marketing strategy takes digital interactions, such as social media and e-commerce purchases, and integrates them with interpersonal interactions.

This technique also tops our Best growth hacking techniques list. Combine social media, email, web push, SMS, in-store and other offline and online marketing growth hacks and tools to provide a holistic and memorable experience at each touchpoint. There’s nothing more effective than a personal contact complemented with consistent digital experience.

Apply the principles of adaptive marketing – growth hack idea

Adaptive marketing is the natural product of a customer-first mindset. It’s marketing that adapts itself to each individual customers’ needs, and it changes as their behavior or profile changes, too.

Case studies show that personalization leads to better customer relationships, according to 98% of marketers.

The problem is that most marketers don’t have enough data for deep segmentation. Here’s when data mining comes into play. Reach out to every source that you can get your hands on call center and support, customer surveys, face-to-face communication with your clients, social media and Google Analytics reports. Use the collected data to personalize anything from a landing page to an Instagram ad and provide the best customer experience.

Give full play to the Error 404 page: make it a landing and offer a CTA 

404 example | weblium

The HTTP 404 Not Found Error means that the webpage you were trying to reach could not be found on the server.

The Error 404 page is often underestimated, but why not use its full power to generate more revenue? Customize this page and offer tempting call-to-action leading to your best products, freebies, eBooks, invitations to webinars and events and other digital threats.

Related Article: 

Why Doesn’t My Website Show Up On Google Search?

Use the power of questions and comments – hacking tip

Search for forums and Q&A websites, where people ask questions and discuss topics relevant to your business. Write compelling answers and promote your startup without being too pushy.

Create Facebook quizzes – growth hacking techniques

Quiz – a test of knowledge, especially as a competition between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment.

Create a fun quiz, introduce your startup at one of the last questions and finish up with a cool-looking result picture with your logo, which people would be happy to share on their pages. Use the answers to learn more about your customers, segment them, and even save an audience for the upcoming advertising campaigns.

Send out triggered email campaigns

Triggered emails, also known as behavioral emails or transactional emails, are those sent automatically based on pre-defined events or conditions met by an individual through certain behaviors, actions, or other signals.

Triggered emails demonstrate the highest open, click-to-open and click-through rates across all email marketing campaigns. Companies all over the world benefit from welcome emails, while E-commerce ones see great results from abandoned cart and order status emails, and restaurants fill their seats thanks to emails with a birthday special offers.

Personalize emails with a liquid code – growth hack example

Personalize emails with a liquid code


Add a liquid code which is a piece of code you insert in emails to achieve the top level of personalization by changing the text in emails based on the behavior of your subscribers.

Schedule AdWords call extension

In some cases, successful growth hacking strategies are not about getting more profits but about not losing them. Set up a schedule for AdWords call extension to only show up during specific time frames when your business is available.

Use Google Ads Helps for more information about schedule AdWords call extension.

Apply Gmail competitor targeting tricks

Apply Gmail competitor targeting tricks | weblium

Growth hack ideas are often connected with “super platforms” such as Google, Facebook and so on. Use Gmail to the utmost and target users who send and receive emails from your competitors’ domains and interacts with competitor keywords which are also relevant to your business.

Add social logins – easy hack

About 93% of users prefer social login to the standard username and password combinations, and most of them use Facebook and Google+. Best growth hacks combine many benefits: use social login to get more website traffic and registered users as well as to create a user analytics funnel which is a valuable source of data about your visitors and customers.

Share user-generated content

user-generated content | weblium

People appreciate when companies pay attention to their opinions and share their content, that’s why it’s one of the most effective types of growth hacking. In this way, you don’t pay for creating that piece of content, but you benefit from its effect.

Combine your customer data and Google Customer Match features

One more way to use Google along with the data you have on your customers is to upload your contact list to Google Customer Match. Target and re-engage with people across the entire Google network including YouTube, Gmail, Google Search, and Shopping.

Place your company on Google Maps

When people search for companies or products closeby, they usually find them on Google Maps, so if you have a physical office or a showroom add your company there to reach a wider audience for free.

Google Maps seo example - weblium

Collaborate with micro-influencers

Partner up with bloggers with a small but active audience, if you can’t reach the top opinion leaders yet. Make a list of micro-influencers, contact them and offer a collaboration: barter or paid.

Mention popular accounts on your posts

To get more subscribers and reach more people, mention other popular accounts which have a similar but bigger audience. If you post beautiful pictures and write engaging copy, this may give your social media page a significant growth and even new connections with opinion leaders.

Use exit-intent pop-ups – growth hacking tip

exit intent pop-ups example | weblium

Exit-intent pop-up – is a type of website overlay that is displayed when the user attempts to navigate away from the page, with the purpose of convincing them not to leave.

Explain why your product is worth attention and make an exit intent pop-up, so people leaving your website start doubting this decision. Some people think that pop-ups are “the dark side of power” but if used wisely they can add significant value to your website.

Go mobile-friendly right away

Even though mobile devices account for 51.2% of web page views worldwide, many startups don’t take it seriously and garage mobile optimization for later. The thing is that it’s a lot easier and more efficient to make your website adaptive from the very beginning than to fix mistakes later on when you’ve already lost half of your visitors.

Adopt 30% scroll popups on your website

A study of 2 billion pop-ups shows that the best-performing 10% of pop-ups brought an average of 9.28% conversion rate. Multiply it by the number of your website visitors to see that pop-ups really work. To target only warmed up users who actually engage with your content, set up a 30% scroll pop-ups.

Invite users to act on a Thank You page

Thank You page example

To implement your marketing strategy effectively, use up every opportunity to engage with your audience. Offer newly converted leads an additional call-to-action on a Thank You page which completes their purchase.

Wrap Up

Even the best growth hacks for startups won’t bring you higher revenue if your website is not user-oriented. It should generate leads as a result of a mobile and user-friendly interface, well-thought menu, informative content and lead forms.

To create a high-quality website for just 1/10 of the average market price, reach out to Weblium experts, and we’ll start with creating a prototype of your website absolutely for free. No hidden costs, we play fair.

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