How to Make Your Restaurant Manager Resume Really Effective?

How to Make Your Restaurant Manager Resume Really Effective?

Are you looking for a new job in the restaurant business? Well, on average:

  • only 10% of job applications result in interview invites;
  • 20% of those are offered a job;
  • job application success rate is about 3%. 

That is, you need to send an average of 30-50 applications to get a job in the hospitality segment. This isn’t the most optimistic statistic you’d like to see, is it? But you can improve your chances with a cool restaurant manager resume.

We’ll show you how to do this with ready-made templates on Weblium for your quick start.

How to Write the Best Restaurant Manager Resume?

40% of HRs spend less than a minute reviewing one CV, while 17% of HRs skip applications that have more than 2 pages. Therefore, your task is to interest them at first sight. A bright and beautiful website describing your experience is a great option.

On your personal site, you can put all the necessary information on one screen and present it in such a way that it will be really interesting to read.

“But I’m writing a restaurant manager resume, not a developer resume,” you might say. Don’t be afraid, you don’t need to be a programmer to create a website. It is enough to use one of the templates on Weblium. We’ll cover them in more detail in the next section.

In the meantime, let’s figure out what you need to indicate on your resume.

Effective Restaurant Manager Resume Structure

  • Photo. For a restaurant manager, appearance is very important. Therefore, a good photo is a must-have for your resume. 
  • Profile. In your restaurant manager resume profile, you need to give a brief description of yourself. Who are you, how many years have you been in the restaurant business, what skills do you have? In general, this is your restaurant manager resume description. If you don’t know how to write a profile section in a restaurant manager resume just look at some examples on the Internet, they are very typical.

Effective Restaurant Manager Resume Structure

  • Objectives. You may think this is an unnecessary section but restaurant manager resume objectives are one of the most important points that all HRs look at. Here you need to indicate what kind of job you are looking for and why.
  • Employment History. Here you need to indicate the venues in which you’ve worked and your restaurant manager resume duties in them. Each job must contain a restaurant manager resume job description. Describe what kind of work it was, what were your typical duties during the working day. Also, in this section, you can add accomplishments and achievements of a restaurant manager resume.

Restaurant Manager Resume Employment History.

  • Education. Here it is enough to briefly indicate the educational institutions that you’ve attended. Also, add courses if you have taken ones.

Restaurant Manager Resume Education

  • Skills. This information is best presented in a concise form. In your restaurant manager resume skills can be presented as bullet points, circles with percentages, and so on. The more clearly you present this information, the better.
  • Contacts. Indicate all the ways in which you can be contacted. Add links to social networks. If you run a restaurant-related blog, feel free to write about it – it can be a great help. By the way, you can also create a blog on Weblium – we have a very simple blog interface that makes it a pleasure to write posts!

Restaurant Manager Resume Contacts

  • Cover Letter. It is not included in your CV but it greatly increases the chances of your application being considered. In fact, this is a restaurant manager resume summary. Write about why you want to work for this particular company and why you are suitable for the position.

Top 3 Restaurant Manager Resume Templates

Using our templates, you can create a bright and eye-catching CV in minutes. Here are some examples of Weblium templates you can easily customize to create a restaurant manager resume.

Restaurant Manager Resume Template 1

Despite the name, this template is great for a restaurant manager resume, you just need to add your personal info and change 2-3 blocks.

Restaurant Manager Resume Template 1


  • A very simple design that doesn’t distract from the main thing – you.
  • This is a multi-page site. If you wish, you can tell in more detail about the restaurants in which you have worked.
  • A block with Testimonials and a contact form.

Use This Template 

Sample Restaurant Manager Resume Template 2

This template can be your CV regardless of your profession. You just need to replace the photo and text on this template.

Sample Restaurant Manager Resume Template 2

Use This Template 

Restaurant Manager Resume Template 3

Though it’s a template for a personal chef’s website, it’s very easy to redesign it to fit a restaurant manager resume. You can leave all backgrounds with dishes and replace some blocks with your experience and skills.

Restaurant Manager Resume Template 3


  • Ready-made backgrounds in a restaurant theme.
  • It can be not just an online CV but a whole personal website of a restaurant manager.

Use This Template 

Restaurant Manager Resume Examples

To create your own resume, it’s worth looking at other people’s applications first. Below we have compiled a few typical restaurant manager resume samples that actually work. We advise you to consider their content and block order and then create your CV as a website. Just imagine the visual contrast between your website and a typical restaurant manager resume pdf or word!

Restaurant Manager Resume Sample

Here’s a typical sample of a restaurant manager resume. It contains objectives, skills, contacts, and work experience. 

Restaurant Manager Resume Sample


  • Starts with an Objective section.
  • Skills are written in a column and are immediately noticeable.
  • All existing contacts are listed.

Assistant Restaurant Manager Resume Example

Here’s another example. Note that even on formal documents, applicants try to highlight blocks in different colors and use prominent fonts. If you create a website for your CV, it will be even more informative and clear.

Assistant Restaurant Manager Resume Example


  • The application starts with a Personal Statement.
  • The information in the right column is very brief.
  • The languages spoken by the applicant are indicated.

Fast Food Restaurant Manager Resume Sample

This is a good example of a CV that fits on one page. If you decide to create a separate website for your resume, you can present this information in an even more structured and visual way.

Fast Food Restaurant Manager Resume Sample


  • Starts with a Profile section.
  • The duties are described in great detail.
  • The long list of skills makes a good impression.

Fine Dining Restaurant Manager Resume Sample

Working in a fine dining restaurant is significantly different from working in a fast food restaurant. Therefore, the application style should be more business-like.

Fine Dining Restaurant Manager Resume Sample


  • Skills are shown as scales with a fill level.
  • There is a section with education and certificates.
  • The resume starts with a short profile. 

Restaurant Manager Resume Cover Letter

Many have trouble writing cover letters. What should you write there? Let’s take a look at an example below.

Restaurant Manager Resume Cover Letter


  • A short introduction on what position you are submitting your application to.
  • Some information about you and your experience.
  • Why would you be the right person for this position?


For every vacancy, recruiters receive hundreds of CVs every day. Therefore, in order to stand out from the pile of identical applications, it is worth coming up with something original. For example, create a website with your restaurant manager resume. Of course, you should have a standardized CV in .doc or .pdf too, you can add it to your site for download.

A vibrant website with your photo and visualization of your basic skills will definitely be more visible than a gray CV that looks like hundreds of others. After all, restaurants also work in the 21st century, and your ability to create bright and beautiful sites from templates on Weblium can be useful to them.

Create Your Resume Website!