June Product Updates 2021

June Product Updates 2021

Last month, we were optimizing and improving the existing functionality of the platform. But we also did not forget to prepare new updates for you! Meet the upgraded toolbar, variable products, Mollie payment method, and website transfer between accounts. All of these features will make your experience with the Weblium platform even more convenient and efficient!

The updated toolbar in the editor

The platform’s opportunities increase with the number of different settings. They allow you to change the design and content of your website. All of these settings should be conveniently placed in the editor’s interface. Then, the work with your website requires minimum effort and does not take too much time. That’s why we made a complete redesign of the editor’s toolbar. We reorganized your workspace. Now you do not have to do pointless movements to discover the required settings.

The updated toolbar in the editor

Uploading additional files to the product description

Sometimes it is challenging or simply impossible to provide a complete description of a product in a brief text. This situation especially comes out if the store offers complex products. For example, hardware, tools, vehicles, household or computer equipment, and other electronics. In this case, sellers need to offer a detailed description of the product with instructions. Thus, their customers can make a considered decision before buying. This month we added such an opportunity! Now, store owners can upload different files with additional information for each product. We are sure that it will help to be more trusted by users. It will also help avoid returns of the goods due to a lack of information on the website.

Uploading additional files to the product description

Adding variations of products to the store

For now, in Weblium online store’s settings, you can set parameters for products with a set of variations. This innovation will be beneficial if the product range implies a large number of varieties of each item. There is no more need to create products for each size, color, shape, or other parameters separately. Instead, all options will be available on the same page, which will help your buyer to choose the right product. We have also implemented the ability to manage availability, prices, and stocks separately for each product option. That’s how you can scale the sales and revenue! This will give store owners even more control over their business.

Adding variations of products to the store

Mollie — a new payment method for stores

Mollie is a new payment method that appeared on Weblium. By activating this integration for your online store, you can accept payments from customers worldwide. Mollie works with Apple Pay, PayPal, Klarna, IDEAL, Mastercard, Visa, and many other payment systems. All of them allow your customers to pay for purchases in seconds.

Mollie — a new payment method for stores

Website transfer between your accounts

The update for users who create websites for their clients or just decided to transfer their projects from one account to another. You no longer need to contact our support department and ask to transfer the site! We added a new feature that will allow you to move websites with an active subscription between accounts quickly. Yes! We are developing not only the platform itself but also opportunities for monetizing your skills here.

Notification about issues with the paying method

We found that users may experience issues with auto-renewing subscriptions due to outdated payment information. That’s why we added a pop-up notification that will help avoid a faulty switch from a Pro-subscription to a Free plan. If you see such a window in the settings of your website, please, make sure that your card has not expired yet. Your balance also needs to have the required amount to charge.

Notification about issues with the paying method

New June templates

More templates