How to Install Facebook Pixel on a Website?

How to Install Facebook Pixel on a Website?

The Facebook Pixel is a built-in social media advertising tool that will track the actions of your website users in order to serve Facebook and Instagram ads to those users or users similar to them. Basically, it’s a link between your site and social networks.

Using it, you can, for example, push the client to complete the purchase. It looks like this:

the customer added a product to cart → left the site before the purchase was completed → Facebook Pixel tracked this action → based on the tracked event, you showed an ad with a call to return to you → the customer visits the site again and makes a payment. This is exactly what you need.

But in fact, Facebook Pixel can do much more. In this article, we’ll cover Pixel’s capabilities, tracking events, setting them up, and connecting Facebook Pixel to your site. The main thing you need to know is that you don’t need to work with code to add Pixel to a Weblium site.

What does Facebook Pixel track?

Each specific user action on the site is an event. Facebook Pixel saves the client’s data and what they have done. Based on this, you can form an audience (for example, for ads display).

All events are divided into standard and unique events. The standard ones are those provided by Meta’s Events Manager. They do not need to be created on purpose, you simply select the ones you need. Among them, there are:

how to install a facebook pixel

◦ Payment information being added by the client ◦ Adding an item to the cart ◦ Providing information by the client in exchange for a service ◦ Contact via call, SMS, email, chat message ◦ Checkout process initiated by the clientCustomer giving info in order to contact you (a lead) ◦ Making a purchase on your site ◦ Searching for products in your online store ◦ Submitting a request for a product or service you offer ◦ Viewing content — for example, blog articles.

You can customize each of these parameters. For example, you can link events only to individual pages or the time since the action was taken or the time spent on the site.

What do you need to install Facebook Pixel?

To install Pixel on our platform, you do not need to work with the website code. Sites on Weblium support quick addition of analytics tools Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, HotJar and Facebook Pixel. To link your site and social networks with ads:

how to add facebook pixel to website
  1. Create a new event tracking pixel. You can learn more about this in Meta for Business Help Center.
facebook pixel installation
  1. Go to the settings of the created pixel and copy the unique ID of your pixel.
add facebook pixel to website

3. In the site settings, go to analytics, select Facebook Pixel, enter an ID and publish the site.

What is Facebook Pixel used for?

In your Meta advertising account, you can improve conversions, send a series of messages, test the results of different creatives, track the devices that took actions. But there are two main features you will definitely use.

 Facebook Pixel is used for


  1. Remarketing. The user has already taken a certain action on your site. I left a request or subscribed to news from you, and then suddenly lost interest. You form an audience of such customers and attract attention again.
remarketing facebook pixel


  1. Lookalike audiences. You have already built a customer base based on events, but decided to work with new customers. To do this, you are not building an audience based on guesswork, but relying on suggestions from the Meta tool. It will form an audience of customers with characteristics similar to those of the existing audience.

How to add events from Facebook Pixel?

To create events, you need to go to the pixel settings and select your siteyou will be taken to the site and, using a visual tool, select what exactly Facebook Pixel will track.

set up facebook pixel
  1. In the pop-up window, select the event that is important. It could be a button press. For one page, you can create an unlimited number of events.
facebook pixel settings
  1. Locate the desired element on the site page and choose how to treat the action. For example, clicking on the buy button will add a product to the cart.

After all the steps, publish the site. It may take some time for the full operation of the pixel. Usually 48 hours is enough for this.

Advertising based on formed audiences

Now your marketing will become more effective. Get comfortable on your advertising dashboard and experiment. It takes a little time to figure out which ads to show to which users. But now you will definitely have more sales.