Weebly Landing Page
Weebly landing pages are no longer available for sale at Weblium
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Have you noticed how great are those Weebly landing pages? High-quality landing pages attract a lot of attention because they allow designers to use their fantasy and create really attractive pages.Thinking about creating your own landing page? Take into account the following 10 points:1. The title is the whole essence2. Under the title you should have an explanatory subtitle.3. Landing has one goal: to bring only one idea.
4. Allocate benefits visually.5. Address each visitor specifically.6. Use bulleted icons as often as possible.7. Find the balance between the visual factor and the text.8. Post customers comments or an expert opinion.9. The call to action is obligatory in the upper promotional part and at the end of the page.10. The application form shouldn't content any additional fields!
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