Frederik Vind — Independent Venture Developer & Startup Investor. Weblium Customers' Success Stories
An experienced entrepreneur and investor Frederik Vind from Denmark shares his success story and business insights to motivate the readers of Weblium blog.
Could you please introduce yourself to our readers and tell a bit about your business.
I’m Frederik Lysgaard and I work as a venture developer and startup investor. Meaning that I help startups to succeed by investing and working with them.
My specialization is people and organizations. Startups succeed through hiring the right people. So, that’s really important.
That’s true. What makes you stand out from the competition?
Well, there’s quite a fierce competition in the venture capital and startup investment environment. That’s why we’ve been looking for ways to somehow differentiate ourselves on the market.
Basically, what I do is invest with smart money meaning that I try to combine my knowledge and experience with investments. So, I’m trying to be an active part of startups’ success — guide them to achieve the best results.
And when did you start your business?
Well, the company is quite old, I think. I’m not sure, 1994, I think. Actually, I’ve taken it over from my mom. But the way we conduct our business now has changed quite a bit since then.
So, about 4 years ago we started working with startups. Started making investments. So, this part of the business is quite new for us. Earlier it was more like a typical organizational development. But now we are more focused on startups and capital.
At what point you realized the need for a website? Why you decided to go online?
Well, we’ve had a website probably since the very beginning. But I’ve updated it about a year ago. There was a new concept we needed to implement on the site.
We wanted to make a fresh and dynamic web page — the one that provokes interest and trust in our clients.
I see, in fact, that’s really important these days to have a modern well-designed website. Did you create it yourself or ordered from Weblium Studio?
I created myself. I’m not an expert at setting up web pages, though it turned out quite easy. I was just experimenting until I found the design I liked. Then I just filled the template with the essential info about my company. Basically, it was that simple.
Overall, I was really happy with my site building experience with Weblium. And it’s really cool that you have plenty of useful tools to optimize my site for inbound marketing.
How much time did it take you?
Well, it wasn’t long — took me about several hours to fill the template with the needed info. Then it took me about several days to polish everything and launch the site.
And if I need to make any changes occasionally (like add a blog post or make any other updates) I do it myself. It’s really easy.
How did you learn about Weblium? And why did you decide to opt for our site builder, not any other?
My friend recommended it to me. I used to have a website on WordPress, but on Weblium it’s much faster.
And there are more opportunities for creating a dynamic website. That’s why I thought it was reasonable to switch, and that was the right decision.
I see. By the way, do you track your site performance through analytics?
No. Well, I’m planning to, but it’s not my top priority right now.
What’s the main purpose of your site then?
Well, it’s an online presence. Basically, it’s my personal online business card. It’s even named after my surname. It’s kind of my portfolio along with services and all the updates.
You know, I make some videos on Youtube, podcasts, and blog posts on Medium. So, I’d like to have it all on my site. That’s where I share all my information.
Tell us more about all this content you produce. Why do you do that?
Primarily, to boost my online presence and promote my personal brand. Besides, I find it important to educate people around me.
I have many lectures, presentations, masterclasses, and stuff like that. So, it’s a way of kinda building leadership for people to see me as an expert. I want to share my knowledge.
That’s also how I find startups that need my consultation or investments. I just want to bring value to startups and help them achieve their goals.
And how do you find your clients? Or they find you themselves in your masterclasses?
Mostly, by the network. Through people recommending me. Sometimes, I get to know people on LinkedIn and start working with them, sharing stuff.
What about expanding your network to other social media like Facebook or Instagram? And do you have any ads on social media?
You know, I don’t have any ads, there’s just no need for that. I believe in the word of mouth, and it works just perfectly for me.
As for other social networks, you know, I’d rather focus on the right client. And they are the ones from professional networks like LinkedIn, not the others.
Do you work just in Denmark or international markets as well?
Mostly, in Denmark, Copenhagen. I do a bit of Sweden as well.
Are you planning to work in other countries as well?
Yes, I’m thinking about Europe. And, perhaps, the UK and US in the long term.
Do you have any ambitious plans for your business or personal growth?
Yes. I’m going to become more international than I am today. I’m working on new concepts. And I also plan to write a book on those concepts. And I’m really hoping to bring more value to more companies.
What kind of book are you going to write?
It’s basically about the concept described in my latest blog post dealing with Startup Growth Journey. It’s about different stages that startups go through.
Sounds impressive. By the way, do all startups you work with have their websites?
Most of them do because they understand the importance of online presence for their business. If they don’t have a site though, I recommend Weblium to them. That’s a very easy and fast way to get started.
Indeed. By the way, we have a referral program that lets you and your referrals get a free month on Weblium.
Wow, that’s cool. Will sign up now.
Finishing our interview, what would you advise our readers who are getting started with their business?
Just do it 🙂 Don’t be afraid of any dangers, just chase your goals, and be the winner!
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