Musical Instruments Store Website Design
"Melody Market" is for business-related websites. It shows online shopping for music. Item blocks are guitars, drums, keyboards. Orchestra and musical art sections attract musicians and instrumentalists. The design displays sale options and music products for hobby enthusiasts. Musical goods and sound equipment available. Acoustic music and electronic instruments featured. Ideal for clients and buyers. Sound store with orchestric and percussion instrument categories. Music shop offers online store convenience. Purchase and shopping options highlighted. Useful for music equipment manufacturers and the music business. Record shop and musical goods store sections included. Buyers find music equipment and percussion instruments. Keyboard and wind instruments shown.
Musical Instruments Store Site Structure - Blocks
- New Arrivals
- Best-Selling
- Guitars
- Drums
- Orchestric
- Contacts
Musical Instruments Store Website Colors
- #FFFFFF — White
- #FAFAFA — Baby Powder
- #F8B803 — Gold
- #757575 — Sonic Silver
- #242424 — Eerie Black
November 22, 2024-