How to Increase Website Conversion Rates

How to Increase Website Conversion Rates

Do you want your website visitors to turn into customers? Pay attention to the conversion rates of the website. To increase conversion rate, it will be enough to work on several website and store aspects. It will take a little time, but the result will be significant and profitable. 

Keep in mind one crucial thing.

When a user visits a website, he has to receive all the necessary information quickly, orient while examining common and store pages, and perform actions without stoppers and excesses. In this article, we are going to give you simple tips on how to increase the conversion rate of website. 

What is Website Conversion, and How Is It Measured?

Website conversion is the number of visitors who performed required targeted actions compared to the overall number of visitors. Conversion is  measured in percentages. For example, if there are 100 people on your website and 5 of them buy your products, then the conversion rate is 5%.

boost conversions

Usually, people use the term conversion to measure the number of successful purchases. 

However, conversion can mean different targeted actions depending on the sales funnel and business type. It can be the call booking, the number of appeals to support, sending forms, registration, or adding goods to a cart. 

Google Analytics helps to track conversions, but you can use different systems of end-to-end analytics. 

Depending on the type of performed actions, visitors can be divided into the following categories:

  • Leads. Visitors who examined your website and made useful targeted actions (they put the product in the cart);
  • Buyers. Visitors who successfully paid for your product or service. 

You don’t need to ignore leads. These customers can be turned into buyers, which will increase website conversion rate.

Also, keep in mind that your client can use the phone to reach you. But the contact is received from the website. This lead is also counted in the website conversion rate. 

To track the real source of the client receiving, you can use unique numbers for different branches of the global path of the client, such as websites, social networks, mailing, or messengers. This way, you will have proper tracking and will understand the source of clients. 

Which Conversion Rate is Considered High?

The more expensive your goods are, the lower the conversion rate for the product category. 

Before completing expensive purchases, clients try to evaluate them using tons of other websites. They compare variants. And only after comparison, do they make their decision. 

On the other hand, businesses with quick, low-cost, and impulsive products have a high conversion rate. Such types of deals are food delivery on the website or present for someone else. 

Each sector has its own conversion rate. 

how to increase the conversion rate

Conversion for businesses is floating and can vary, depending on certain features. For example, the unique behavior of your targeted audience. Your clients can make a few purchases, but they still place a lot of products in the cart. The transaction will be significant, even though fewer actions were performed. Even though you will not see a high conversion rate, you will still know that your website works properly. 

Also, don’t forget that new and pretty unknown businesses have a lower conversion rate than the ones that exist for a long time.

How to Improve Website Conversion?

There are three groups of factors that affect conversion:

  1. Connected to how demanded your goods are;
  2. Connected to how convenient the website is;
  3. Connected to the traffic quality.
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Before working on conversion improvement, you need to optimize business processes and make up a commercial business aspect. Low conversion of the website is not always affected by the issues with the site. The reasons might be the following:

  • Wrong pricing for a financial model;
  • Poorly formed proposals in your offers;
  • Low-quality description or Unique Selling Proposition;
  • Wrong fulfillment of clients’ demands. 

Work on business and website improvements at the same time. This way, you will enhance all the parts of website conversion. In the following parts of the article, we will show you conversion boosting techniques any website can use.

How to Improve the Website For Conversion Rate Increase?

When you work on your website, think about the customer path. This is the natural process of content examination. The customer path has to end up with performing of required action. Using this as a base, you will create a proper structure and content for your pages. 

To improve conversion rate, you should improve the navigation and comfort of the website. 

Create important helping pages

About us, product return, delivery conditions, guarantees, and delivery points. This information will help the client understand who you are and how to cooperate with you. The more trust you gain, the higher the chance to boost conversions.

how to increase conversion rates

All these pages can be placed into a footer, while the most important things will be in a header. But both the footer and header have to contain your phone number and other contact details.

Predict transitions and actions

Always give clients an opportunity to explore useful content on your website. The main page has to become the main navigation hub on the website. On the other pages, place banners with special offers, forms, and showcases.

conversion tips

By examining the content of the main page, the client has to understand what exactly you do, what services and products you offer, and where you are located. This is one of the key points for improving conversion rates.

Take care of website usability

Usability affects the website conversion rate. It means how understandable, logical, intuitive, and convenient the exploration of the website is. And such convenience has to be the same for desktop and mobile versions. 

how to improve conversion rates

You should pay as much attention to the mobile version as to the desktop one. All elements have to be displayed correctly. 

To improve the user experience, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Optimize the content for a quick load and make your website comfortable to use on older devices. Users with poor connections and not the best smartphones should still have a comfortable experience. 
  • Make a balanced and neat design and keep content understandable and available. It would be enough to have a well-structured design and brief, correct, and balanced text to have decent sales. There will be no harm if your text will miss some extra art in it. 
  • Create compact forms and don’t insist on giving extra information in them. The less you ask from a client, the higher the chance that he will perform the required action. 
  • Integrate online chats to your website. The opportunity to talk to your manager to find more information about you and your products increases the conversion rate of the website. 

Don’t forget about special offers in pop-up windows and news subscriptions via forms. This is a great way to increase website conversions. By using them, you will form more trusted relationships with your clients and will increase the average rate of performing actions. 

How to Improve The Conversion Of Online Stores?

Your online store has to have a proper structure. It will give visitors an opportunity to browse all categories and subcategories easily to find demanded products. Take your time and think about the structure. After that, use them in product settings. If you want to know how to increase the conversion rate of the online store, the proper structure is the main answer.

conversions online store

The product search bar has to be always visible. Give your clients an option to find goods any time they want to. 

You can find more articles about how to make product pages with high conversion rates before. Check them out to improve the online shopping experience for your customers. 

Product descriptions in cards have to be useful. Technical characteristics have to be full and certain, while their structure has to be the same for all cards. Clients who love to take their time and love to take everything about products will easily compare characteristics. 

In the marketing description, tell about the product’s purposes and advantages, while covering all minor and major doubts customers might have. 

In a product gallery, you can include qualitative images. If there is an opportunity not to add 3D photos, feel free to just add photos. 

Don’t forget to about pricing rationale. Make sure you tell customers why you have grounds to set such a price. Use rationale not only on the product page, but add it to the category descriptions, the main page, and the “About us” section. 

If the calculation of prices is difficult, consider adding a price calculator. Though website builders usually don’t provide such widgets, you still can integrate third-party ones. 

If you have a small client flow, it will be a great idea to pay attention to every client. Add feedback forms. By using checkboxes and drop-down lists, you will let clients choose product and service options.

After receiving data, you can send your client a detailed check. Keep in mind that filling out forms can be not the best option for many customers. So, using forms for calculations will not be the most popular service. But the clients who use it will be strongly motivated to buy, while your managers will help them reach the deal completion step. 

It would also be great to examine competitors. You will find website conversion best practices to increase conversion of your store. 

How Does Incoming Traffic Affect Website Conversion?

Website conversion is really bonded with the quality of sources used for gaining traffic, such as banners, advertising, social media, YouTube, or SEO. So one of the best conversion tips is to expand your influence and use all useful sources. 

If you use low-frequency commercial requests and create similar experimental audiences, the conversion rate can increase or decrease. Everything depends on your success and experience in advertising campaign creation. 

Proper remarketing can significantly increase the conversion and turn the lead into a customer. For this reason, use banners on websites, mail marketing, and retargeting in social networks.

conversion rate increase

SEO optimization of the website, based on popular requests, but not relevant to clients’ expectations will reduce the conversion rate. It means that your website will be higher in the search output, but customers will not be interested in it. 

And don’t forget about the blog. Organic traffic is always for good. These are simple boosting techniques any website can use to increase conversions.

Website Conversion With Weblium

Websites and stores, created with our builder, work, and load efficiently. Page designs can be changed the way you want, while purchases can be completed in only one click. With flexible forms, it is convenient to send all the required information for orders. 

And you don’t have to spend much time trying to set up the mobile version of the website. It will be created automatically, being as efficient as the desktop one. Join Weblium and increase the income you get via your website.